Boko Haram: Terrorist Organization or CIA Covert Operation in Destabilization Plots Against Nigeria

The abduction of almost 300 girls from schools in northern Nigeria in recent weeks has received worldwide attention, including a pledge from the U.S. government to help investigate. The group behind these kidnappings, which calls itself Boko Haram, is allegedly part of a jihadist Islamist organization that has been linked to al-Qaeda and is responsible for a series of increasingly brazen attacks in Nigeria, currently the richest country in Africa by GDP.

Once virtually unknown, Boko Haram has now suddenly thrust into the Global media spotlight driven by the shocking kidnappings. But questions still remain about the true origins of the group and why the U.S. Government is getting involved.

According to reports provided by the Wikileaks, the US embassy in Nigeria was identified as a forward operating base for wide and far reaching acts of subversion against Nigeria which include but not limited to eavesdropping on Nigerian government communication, financial espionage on leading Nigerians, support and funding of subversive groups and insurgents, sponsoring of divisive propaganda among the disparate groups of Nigeria and the use of visa blackmail to induce and coerce high ranking Nigerians into acting in favour of US interests.

But beyond what we know from the Wikileaks report, many Nigerians also believe the US embassy’s activities in Nigeria fits into a long term US government’s well camouflaged policy of containment against Nigeria the ultimate goal of which is to eliminate Nigeria as a potential strategic rival to the US in the African continent.

Nigeria is a country with a population of over 160 million and has been called the world’s fastest growing economy. But today as Nigerians are reeling from the negative effects of an insurgency that has befallen the country and earnestly seeking answers to what all this portends for the future. One of the nation’s largest watchdog groups, Green-White is warning that a silent, undeclared war of attrition is being waged against Nigeria by the Government of United States of America.

The Green-White Coalition is a citizen’s volunteer watchdog made up of Nigerians of all ethnic groups and religious persuasions. who have taken it upon themselves to expose and thwart all ‘diabolical’ plans in Nigeria. They say the American Government has been hijacked by corrupt corporate elements that have taken America and Americans hostage. The group is dedicated to ferreting out information and plan counter actions against any untoward moves by the United States Government in Nigeria.

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