Freeswitch Archive
Integrate Freeswitch with LetsEncrypt on Debian 8

Verto is a sweet webrtc implementation built into FreeSWITCH. Since security was not an after-thought with webrtc, it is impossible to use verto, without encrypting the real-time media. To encrypt the media, I’ll be using Let’s Encrypt.
FusionPBX for Hotels – Prevent Room Extensions from Calling Each Other

There are a few facts I’d like to lay bare Freeswitch is Awesome FusionPBX is extremely enjoyable once you spend time with it. Hotels are under pressure to stand out and consistently deliver profits even in the
FreeSwitch INIT script that works

Having installed Freeswitch a number of times, I’ve come across numerous scripts to make it easy to start and stop the Freeswitch daemon. There is one in the FS source but it’s very basic. I’ll recommend that
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