Programming Archive
Cross Compiling go-sqlite3 for ARM7 from Debian 9

So, here I am documenting this “how-to” and hoping that it helps someone save some hair, hours poring through 100s of webpages and dozens of trial-and-errors. So here was the task. I had to develop a wallboard
Issue with Vtiger 3CX Integration: Pick existing contacts

In the past (3CX v12.5) it was not so easy integrating 3CX with CRMs such as Vtiger, but with version 15.5 and it’s integration feature, it is now a lot easier to trigger actions in your ERP,
Deploy Django Channels 2.0 to Heroku

So you want to deploy Django Channels 2.0 to Heroku, hey? From previous posts, you should have guessed by now that I’m a fan of Heroku, especially for getting projects out the door quickly. Heroku is particularly
SMS Gateway: Working with Go Programming Language

It’s been a very eventful past 1 month. Business was just starting to pick up after a very dull January. BusinessPhone was doing good on the market – the calls were coming in, and there were a
Deploy AWS Lambda from a Windows PC

So my requirement was simple. Deploy AWS Lambda from a Windows PC such that once a file is uploaded to a bucket, an SFTP put is etablished to a remote server. Some background. While trying to do
Secure your Django Project on Heroku with Let’s Encrypt

I really should learn to retire to bed after a 2 day bug whacking marathon. Because I had been working on a Windows PC (with limited resources)…and couldn’t get docker to run (I was able to install redis
AJAX Upload using django-ajax

Django-ajax is one module I’ve come to love on my present project and I see myself using it a lot in the future. It takes care of the nitty gritty and lets me focus on the important
Django – How to add ManytoMany model inside a post_save signal

I cannot tell you how much hair I tore out in trying to solve this problem, but it quite a lot. I was tearing hair out everyday to 5a.m (the next day) for 3 days. I
If PySide Phonon not Displaying Video: Check This Out

When you spend over 6 hours on troubleshooting 3 lines of code…3 lines, yea…but it just didn’t work! I’ve resumed work on my video app and I’ve had to trot between Django for the backend and PySide
Generate Coordinates for PySide QGridView

For some weeks now, I’ve been working on what I think I think is a solution to piracy in Nigeria. I also think it will power the disruption of movie distribution, while putting more money in the hands
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