Gadgets & I.T Archive
SMS Gateway: Working with Go Programming Language

It’s been a very eventful past 1 month. Business was just starting to pick up after a very dull January. BusinessPhone was doing good on the market – the calls were coming in, and there were a
Deploy AWS Lambda from a Windows PC

So my requirement was simple. Deploy AWS Lambda from a Windows PC such that once a file is uploaded to a bucket, an SFTP put is etablished to a remote server. Some background. While trying to do
Multiple WordPress sites with same users

Today, I’ll be showing you how to setup multiple WordPress sites with same users such that a user only requires a single account to be able to log into the multiple sites. Also, once a user logs into one
How to set your Mobile Data as Metered Connection in Windows 10

In this blog post, I will be teaching you how to set your mobile data as a metered connection in windows 10. I have been using windows 10 for about 3 months now and I must say
Small Office Network & Security System !!Promotion!!

Hello and welcome… Let me take a guess. You are visiting because you are interested in the small office network and security system promotion bundle I have on offer. You may be wondering why I came up
NEVER EVER use Google’s Android Privacy Protection Password

I repeat! NEVER EVER use the Android Privacy Protection Password feature. It just cost me my every piece of information on my phone: my baby’s pictures from month 1 to month 9, my photos, my wife’s, my
Infinix Hot 2: The Price of Infinix Hot X510

SWEET!! That is the least way I can describe the Infinix Hot 2. No doubt, you want to know the price of the Infinix Hot 2 Phone, and I won’t waste your time one bit! So if you
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